Friday, September 5, 2008

Il Piccolo Principe

Gather 'round, children... It's storytime!

Once upon a time, I left my cozy northern California home and flew alllll the way to Ireland, to the city of Dublin. My first day in Dublin was a dreadful day indeed. I found myself alone in this dark and dreary city, in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm. My backpack was heavy, but not quite as heavy as my spirits. I was tired and sore, and not a soul in the city knew my name.

I checked into a hostel, thinking that I had found a safe and warm place to rest my weary head, but I was attacked by an army of bedbugs! I tried my best to fight them off, but they outnumbered me 10,000 to one and I was quickly defeated. This left me feeling quite sad, not to mention itchy. I decided that I would retreat into the world of couchsurfing, hoping to find an ally who might come to my rescue in further attacks.

While on a long and dangerous journey through the world of, I came across the profile of a wise and mysterious mage. This mage, who goes by the name of "PJ" did not offer me a couch, but I discovered a secret message written on his profile: "Everything essential is invisible to the eye."

I couldn't get these beautiful words out of my mind! Who spoke them, what did they mean? Even as I found solace in the home of the beautiful Princess Allison of Dublin, I couldn't forget the words of the wise mage, PJ. So, I sought the advice of the most wise and knowing Oracle in the land... The glorious and all-knowing Google.

Google informed me that the words were written by a saint, Antoine de Saint Exupéry. I knew that I had to read the rest of his words - I just had to. This was too important of a quest to be ignored. Luckily, I found a copy of his story, entitled The Little Prince in the kingdom's local used bookstore. I read it immediately. In the story, the saint tells of a tiny prince who leaves his tiny planet and travels the universe having grand adventures! This magical story renewed my strength and lifted my spirits. With a skip in my step, I left the kingdom of Dublin and continued my journey. My destination: a hostel in Nice, France - the cheapest hostel in the land, costing only a few gold coins a night!

When I arrived (on my steed, of course) at the doorstep, I was shocked to discover the name of the hostel. Hostel de Saint Exupèry. There was a beautiful portrait hanging on the entrance, of none other than Le Petit Prince himself. I was stunned to discover that the saint had walked through those very halls, had written his story within the walls of the hostel. My stay there was filled with adventures, and I befriended many lords and ladies from kingdoms all over the world. I was sad to leave, but knew that I would see my little prince again, though I knew not when not where.

Now, many days have passed. I have been living in the kingdom of Bologna, exploring the many castles and battling evil hair-dragons. I have been on a tiring quest - the quest for an apartment. I was beginning to feel like my quest was futile, that I would never find a place to live. I have seen many rooms and dialed many numbers, but have not found my ideal abode.

Today, I received a call from Silvia, a princess at a nearby castle. She informed me that the lords and ladies of the court are looking for one more person to join them in the castle, in a double room overlooking the piazza. I went to see the room, expecting yet another failure, another disappointment, another wasted quest. The moment the doors opened, though, I was struck by a brilliant ray of light. I knew in an instant that I'd found it. The rooms were huge and filled with light. The kitchen was beautiful and the bathroom was clean! The walls were covered with photos by some of my favorite photographers. The lords and ladies were friendly and funny, and offered me sweets and sparkling water.

I knew that this was the perfect apartment, my ideal home, the perfect place. I closed my eyes and asked for a sign. I asked Google and PJ alike, and when I opened my eyes I was stunned at the poster on the way in front of me. There on the wall, looking down on me with kind eyes and an adventurous smile, was Il Piccolo Principe. My little prince, right here in Bologna! There it was - the sign, il segno.

The princess Silvia promised to send a messenger by next week to let me know if I have been chosen. I left the castle feeling exhilarated, excited about the possibility of living here with my prince.

So, children, the end of our story remains a mystery. Il Piccolo Principe waits for me to join him in my perfect house, but my fate lies in the hands of one princess! Will I join him, or will he smile down on the life of another lucky adventurer? Only time will tell!


jkasmama said...

Oh, sweet Princess, your words delight and amaze me, just as you always have! I hope the little Prince guides you to the perfect apartment...I am sure he will be with you for every step of your grand adventure!
Love,love, and more love,

MeliD said...

Oh Kalen... what a beautiful story. failure, tragedy, hope, faith, Heros... what more could a girl living in the wonderful kingdom of Bologna ask for? I love you. Talk to you soon.

Jesse said...

You are amazing. You are so smart, funny and wise. I love reading what you write and I love you, too!

Jesse said...

You are amazing. You are so smart, funny and wise. I love reading what you write and I love you, too!